I found some interesting video on youtube, it shows how to generate a password card (in German): youtube password card

I wrote a little program in Brackets: “passwd-card.l1com” which can do the same. Here is a random created example card:

 1 -@c i.y #l- Vvo b%8 xS2 {y< 8-T Np} 6YD
 2 ue$ X;| yDN k0M LXR w6e c0O Sv7 fho Jqc
 3 Fns |4q mjB :uw 2p3 /fO xD@ 0Ef 4c3 K;F
 4 0Os aT* KCQ 8pr MT9 BH1 9LS E1< X?A nHS
 5 4R| ;JO A]8 VDO uUv gwk Ii2 qRW OZ? 2$Q
 6 e+, e,. /~W [AC #x6 SAe 0i- [r} Ztr F;i
 7 &*| F~j [RO %;h ?kv E:6 B#r +E2 0c[ 99X
 8 JKH gF: s}< <[B Vd} aN9 vvk 6;j E-2 5jp
 9 ,~# xV, 4Z/ T&? 2kc MP> <x8 .Wo F}m 9f>
10 A4[ OjO thC y|e {5b 8Hu ,N4 R~r NVm H6}

Now we choose a “password”: “SWORDFISH”. Now we start in line 1: S: “{y<”, then in the second line: W: “Sv7” and so on. If we passed line 10 then we begin again in line 1!

So the full password will be: “{y<Sv72p3BH1;JOe,.[ROvvk4Z/”.

The program “passwd-card.l1com” is in my repo on GitHub on my “prog” directory. To save a password card you can do:

$ l1vm prog/passwd-card >passwd.txt 2>&1 -q

And print it then. You should keep your card in a safe place. Have some fun!