L1VM logo

reliable - fast - secure - type safe - unique - multi platform

$ l1vm hello -q
Hello world! 

// hello.l1com
// Brackets - Hello world!
#include <intr-func.l1h>
(main func)
	(set int64 1 zero 0)
	(set string 13 hello "Hello world!")
	// print string
	(hello :print_s !)
	(:print_n !)
	(zero :exit !)

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Computing at a scale. Use the MPFR module for arbitrary number precision math. Scale from SBCs to desktop PCs and beyond. Powerful modules are available at your fingertips. You can develop your own modules to fit your needs.

The L1VM is available for: Linux (x86_64, AARCH64), OpenBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, Windows (10, 11) via WSL or native MSYS2, macOS and Haiku OS.
On the Raspberry Pi the GPIO pins and the serial port can be used via the modules.

The L1VM is open source under the GPL. The source code is on GitHub: github.com/koder77/l1vm.


1: Hello world, if, if+, else
2: switch
3: math
4: functions
5: input
6: strings
7: loops
8: arrays
9: logical operators
10: cli arguments
11: preprocessor
12: assembly VOL I
13: assembly VOL II
14: assembly VOL III
15: assembly VOL IV
16: assembly VOL V
17: multithreading

L1VM manual PDF
L1VM manual EPUB
L1VM advanced PDF
L1VM code details PDF

Installation of L1VM

You can clone my GitHub repository with:
git clone http://github.com/koder77/l1vm.git
And then build it with one of the many build scripts. Or you can copy the binaries for Linux x64 or Windows x64 below into the source code repo.

Linux x86_64 binaries

I made static build binaries for Linux x86_64. They should run on any 64 bit Linux system. The current L1VM 3.1.8 builds are here: L1VM Linux binaries.
I did include all modules and their depedencies, so the binaries should run on any Linux system. Here is the sha256 sum of the archive:

72fb1e7532afd5ed49c355e2311bf06f389d10c4dbc80287ec223a6c40b2d7e8 l1vm-linux-x86-64.zip

Windows x86_64 binaries

I made a port to Windows MSYS2. You need to install MSYS2 to use this! So now the L1VM can run natively on Windows without the need to install the WSL. The 3.1.8 release is here: L1VM Windows MSYS2 binaries.
Here is the sha256 sum of the archive:

eead135f77b50840d902eefe440a7337433be0ad530c2c48ceb44f5f09b297cf l1vm-windows-x86-64.zip
Q, 1, zero
@, 0Q, 0
B, 13, hello
@, 8Q, "Hello world!"
Q, 1, helloaddr
@, 21Q, 8Q
loada zero, 0, 0
loada helloaddr, 0, 1
intr0 6, 1, 0, 0
intr0 7, 0, 0, 0
intr0 255, 0, 0, 0

The modules

The L1VM can be expanded by modules (shared libraries). A module has an own API to access the functions from the VM. Here is the list of modules:
Cells - linked neural networks with FANN library
ciphersaber - encrypt/decrypt functions
crypto - libsodium encrypt/decrypt functions
endianess - convert to big endian, or little endian functions
fann - FANN neural networks
file - file module - read/write files
filetools - file functions like copy, create directory, etc.
genann - neural networks module
gpio - Raspberry Pi GPIO module
math - some math functions
math-nofp - math module for use without FPU
math-vect - math on arrays functions
mem - memory allocating for arrays and vectors
mem-obj - memory functions to store different variables into one memory array
mem-vect - C++ vector memory library
mpfr-c++ - MPFR floating point big num library
nanoid - nano ID, create unique IDs
net - TCP/IP sockets module
pigpio - Raspberry Pi GPIO module
process - start a new shell process
rs232-libserialport - RS232 serial port using libserialport
rs232 - RS232 serial port module
sdl 2.0 - graphics primitves module, like pixels, lines..., and GUI with buttons, lists, etc.
string - some string functions
time - get time and date

L1VM - fractal

Here is a GUI example: pov-edit
The gadgets are drawn by my SDL graphics/GUI module.

L1VM - pov edit screenshot