L1VM - pure functions

Brackets now has support for “pure” functions. A pure function has no side effects and returns the same output when the input stays the same. This is true for a function which returns the square of a number: 2 -> 4, 3 -> 9 and so on. A pure function name ends with an uppercase “P”. A pure function can only call other pure functions. And can not access a global variable. Here is an example:

// hello-pure.l1com - Brackets
// This shows how "pure" functions with no global state or side effects can be defined.
// You can only call other "pure" functions from a "pure" function!
// Pure functions end with an uppercase "P" in the name.
#include <intr.l1h>
#include <misc-macros.l1h>

(main func)
    (set int64 1 zero 0)
    (set int64 1 one 1)
    (set double 1 num 4.0)
    (set double 1 ret 0.0)
    (set int64 1 f 0)

    (num :squareP !)
    (ret stpopd)
    print_d (ret)
    (num :do_squareP !)
    (ret stpopd)
    print_d (ret)
    exit (zero)


(squareP func)
    #var ~ squareP
    (set double 1 num~ 0.0)
    (set double 1 ret~ 0.0)
    (num~ stpopd)
    {ret~ = num~ * num~}
    (ret~ stpushd)
(do_squareP func)
    #var ~ do_squareP
    (set double 1 num~ 0.0)
    (num~ stpopd)
    (num~ :squareP !)
    (num~ stpopd)
    (num~ stpushd)

Have fun!