L1VM - 3.0.2

I just did release the version 3.0.2 of my L1VM. I did fix the MSYS2 installation script. And did fix some module code. If you use an older version, then I recommend to upgrade.

You can find the current 3.0.2 version binaries of L1VM on the L1VM page on the top right in my blog. There is a build for Linux x86-64 with all the needed .so files. Which should run on any Linux. And there is a build for Windows MSYS2 x86-64.

Here is the ChangeLog:

L1VM (3.0.2)
	BUG FIXES in modules and other parts.
	NEW: "variable-local-only-on" and "variable-local-only-off" compiler flags to allow only local variables and no main global ones.
	NEW: disassembler build script update. MSYS2 installation script update.

-- Stefan Pietzonke <jay-t@gmx.net> Fri 23 Feb 2024 18:52  +0100

L1VM (3.0.1)
	NEW: stack operators short symbols:
	new:        standard:
	(a b>|)     (a stpushb)
	(b i>|)     (b stpushi)
	(c d>|)     (c stpushd)
	(c_st |>d)  (c_st stpopd)
	(b_st |>i)  (b_st stpopi)
	(a_st |>b)  (a_st stpopb)

-- Stefan Pietzonke <jay-t@gmx.net> Mon 12 Feb 2024 16:54  +0100

Have fun!