L1VM - crypto keys

I did write new code in the crypt module. Now public/private keys can be generated. For asymmetric key encryption. The functions are easy to handle. Here is a full example:

// crypto-lib-keys.l1com
// public/private key encrypt/decrypt demo
#include <intr.l1h>
(main func)
    (set const-int64 1 zero 0)
    (set const-int64 1 one 1)
    (set const-byte 1 zerob 0)
    (set const-byte 1 oneb 1)
    (set byte 256 inarray)
    (set byte 272 outarray)
    (set byte 272 decryptarray)
    (set byte 24 noncearray)
    (set byte 32 alice_public_key)
    (set byte 32 alice_private_key)
    (set byte 32 bob_public_key)
    (set byte 32 bob_private_key)
    (set int64 1 count 0)
    (set byte 1 i 0)
    (set byte 1 c 0)
    (set int64 1 ret 0)
    (set int64 1 j 0)
    (set int64 1 size 256)
    (set byte 1 maxnumb 255)
    (set int64 1 mode 0)
    (set int64 1 f 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pinarray 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Poutarray 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pkeystr 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pdecryptarray 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pnoncearray 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Palice_public_key 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Palice_private_key 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pbob_public_key 0)
    (set const-int64 1 Pbob_private_key 0)
    (set string s okstr "crypt decrypt/encrypt ok!")
    (set string s errstr "crypt decrypt/encrypt ERROR!")
    (set string s genkeysstr "generate key pairs for alice and bob.")
    (set string s error_encryptstr "ERROR encrypting message!")
    (set string s error_decryptstr "ERROR decrypting message!")
    (set string s sepstr ": ")

    (inarray Pinarray pointer)
    (outarray Poutarray pointer)
    (decryptarray Pdecryptarray pointer)
    (noncearray Pnoncearray pointer)
    (alice_public_key Palice_public_key pointer)
    (alice_private_key Palice_private_key pointer)
    (bob_public_key Pbob_public_key pointer)
    (bob_private_key Pbob_private_key pointer)
    (zero :crypto_init !)

    (zero j =)
    (zerob i =)
    (((j size <) f =) f for)
        print_i (j)
        print_s (sepstr)

        (i inarray [ j ] =)

        print_i (i)

        ((i oneb +) i =)
        ((j one +) j =)

    print_s (genkeysstr)

    // generate key pairs for alice and bob
    (Palice_public_key Palice_private_key :generate_keys !)
    (Pbob_public_key Pbob_private_key :generate_keys !)

    // encrypt message for bob
    (Pinarray size Poutarray Pnoncearray Pbob_public_key Palice_private_key :encrypt_message !)
    (ret stpop)
    (((ret zero !=) f =) f if)
        print_s (error_encryptstr)

    // bob decrypts the message
    (Poutarray size Pdecryptarray Pnoncearray Palice_public_key Pbob_private_key :decrypt_message !)
    (ret stpop)
    (((ret zero !=) f =) f if)
        print_s (error_decryptstr)

    (zerob i =)
    (zero j =)

    (zero j =)
    (zerob i =)
    (((j size <) f =) f for)
        print_i (j)
        print_s (sepstr)

        (decryptarray [ j ] c =)

        print_i (c)

        ((i oneb +) i =)
        ((j one +) j =)

    exit (zero)
#include <crypto.l1h>