L1VM - macOS build

I did a GitHub actions build on macOS 11. I got a few error messages:

name = 'libl1vmmemobj.so'
sources parser running...
source: 'memobj.cpp'
sources parser running...
includes parser running...
include: '../include'
include: '/usr/local/include'
includes parser running...
ccompiler = 'clang'
c++compiler = 'clang++'
aflags = 'cru'
cflags = ' -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall'
lflags = ' -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -lm'
'clang++ -I../include  -I/usr/local/include  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -c -o memobj.cpo memobj.cpp'
'clang -o libl1vmmemobj.so memobj.cpo  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -lm'
build: successfull
In file included from mpfr-combined.cpp:1:
In file included from ./mpfr-head.cpp:20:
In file included from ./../../../include/global.h:35:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode_13.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/stdio.h:101:
/Applications/Xcode_13.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/__config:279:12: fatal error: 'features.h' file not found
#  include <features.h>
1 error generated.
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'mpfr-combined.cpo'

zerobuild V1.0.3
DEBUG: ac: 3
name = 'libl1vmmpfr.so'
sources parser running...
source: 'mpfr-combined.cpp'
sources parser running...
includes parser running...
include: '../include'
include: '/usr/local/include'
includes parser running...
ccompiler = 'clang'
c++compiler = 'clang++'
aflags = 'cru'
cflags = ' -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -std=c++11'
lflags = ' -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -lmpfr -lgmp'
'clang++ -I../include  -I/usr/local/include  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -std=c++11 -c -o mpfr-combined.cpo mpfr-combined.cpp'
build ERROR! 1
'clang -o libl1vmmpfr.so mpfr-combined.cpo  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -lmpfr -lgmp'
build ERROR! 1
build: failed ERROR!

Where is “features.h” defined in macOS 11? I did not have this error before! And “libl1vmmpfr.so” fails to build too!

Here is the log of the test programs tried to run. Both failed to load the “.so” libraries:

running fann library demo...
l1vm - 1.6.0 - (C) 2017-2022 Stefan Pietzonke
>>> lightning speed <<<
CPU cores: 9 (STATIC)
internal type check: S8 = 8 bytes, F8 = 8 bytes. All OK!
C compiler: clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)
build on: Jun 27 2022
sandbox root = /Users/runner/l1vm/
>> boundscheck << >> stackcheck <<
machine: little endianess
0 stack size: 64000
0 sp top: 4517388784
0 sp bottom: 4517324785
0 sp: 4517388784
0 sp caller top: 4517388784
0 sp caller bottom: 4517324785
CPU 0 ready
codesize: 947 bytes
datasize: 576297 , 562.790 KB
ep: 16
error load module libl1vmfann.so!
building lines SDL demo...
assembling file: 'out'
codesize: 9617 , 9.392 KB
datasize: 11285 , 11.021 KB
filesize: 22908 , 22.371 KB
[✔] out assembled
code lines compiled: 488
[✔] out compiled
assembler args: ' '
running lines SDL demo...
l1vm - 1.6.0 - (C) 2017-2022 Stefan Pietzonke
>>> lightning speed <<<
CPU cores: 9 (STATIC)
internal type check: S8 = 8 bytes, F8 = 8 bytes. All OK!
C compiler: clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)
build on: Jun 27 2022
sandbox root = /Users/runner/l1vm/
>> boundscheck << >> stackcheck <<
machine: little endianess
0 stack size: 64000
0 sp top: 4480113276
0 sp bottom: 4480049277
0 sp: 4480113276
0 sp caller top: 4480113276
0 sp caller bottom: 4480049277
CPU 0 ready
codesize: 9617 , 9.392 KB
datasize: 578485 , 564.927 KB
ep: 16
error load module libl1vmsdl.so!

Did the search paths for “.so” libraries change? I have no clue yet! I did work some builds before! Can someone help me to fix this?

I did add the following line to the macOS build script:

cp /usr/local/include/c++/11/parallel/features.h /usr/local/include

I had to uncomment the search for “features.h” to search for it! Now the fann library demo works. And the SDL library check runs too, but without opening a screen. So it can’t be opened in the macOS build environmnet.