Cells - V0.5

Today I released a new version of my Cells library. I also did update the Cells L1VM module. What is Cells? Cells is a library to handle FANNs (artificial neural networks) and run them. You can load FANNs to run them. But what makes it unique is that you can insert links between the FANNs inputs and outputs. So you can place a link between one FANNs output to another FANNs input. The FANNs are put into layers and the run function goes through them. In the Cells repository there is a demo program how to do this. It connects a “xor” and “or” by an “and” FANN.

The new feature is a dealloc links function. Which can be useful if you don’t need links any more. And want to set new ones. Cells way to connect FANNs by links makes it stand out of the crowd. It’s fast and powerful.