L1VM mem module string

I did finally add string arrays to my memory module for L1VM! You have to set the total array size and the single string size.

Here is the example program:

#include <intr.l1h>
(main func)
    (set int64 1 zero 0)
    (set int64 1 one 1)
    (set int64 1 memaddr 0)
    (set int64 1 stringindex 0)
    (set int64 1 stringsize 256000)
    (set int64 1 stringlen 256)
    (set int64 1 ret 0)
    (set int64 1 f 0)
    (set string s meminitstr "ERROR can't init memory")
    (set string s memerrstr "ERROR can't allocate memory!")
    (set string s write_str "Hello world!")
    (set string 256 read_str "")
    (zero one :mem_init call)
    (ret stpopi)
    (((ret zero !=) f =) f if)
        // ERROR can't allocate memory
        print_s (meminitstr)
        exit (one)
    // allocate
    (stringsize :alloc_byte call)
    (memaddr stpopi)
    (((memaddr zero <) f =) f if)
        // ERROR can't allocate memory
        print_s (memerrstr)
        exit (one)

    // copy string to array
    (memaddr stringindex write_str stringlen :string_to_array !)

    // read string from array
    (memaddr stringindex read_str stringlen :array_to_string !)
    print_s (read_str)

    // dealloc mem
    (memaddr :dealloc call)
    (:free_mem call)
    // exit OK
    exit (zero)
#include <mem-lib.l1h>