L1VM - assembly VOL IV

Here we will create the “square” calc function of VOL III in inline assembly.

Here is the Brackets code:

(square func)
    (set double 1 num 0.0)
    (set double 1 square 0.0)
    (num stpopd)
    {square = num num *}
    (square stpushd)

To write inline assembly we need the begin and end command:


assembly code


Thirst wee need to pull the variable from stack. Then we do the multiplication on the variable. And as a last step we need to push the result on the stack.

Here we go:

(square func)
    stpopd 1
    muld 1, 1, 2
    stpushd 2

Note: the end of the function: “(funcend)” sets the needed “rts” assembly code for us! And the cool thing is: we did not need a single variable to do the calculation! It’s all done in registers for this simple code!

Have some fun!

16: assembly VOL V