L1VM - little VM benchmarks

I added a points system to my little VM benchmark. The little VM runs a tiny VM on my L1VM. It has a few opcodes to run a counter loop.

You can find the little VM benchmark on my L1VM GitHub repo: “prog/little-vm.l1com”.

Here are some results:

little-vm benchmarks
single core

Raspberry Pi 3B
TIMER ms: 921919.8720000001
opcodes per sec: 2115150.9892398473

points: 57

Gemini PDA
TIMER ms: 234743.985
opcodes per sec: 8303384.374

points: 222

Lenovo L340 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300HF CPU @ 2.40GHz
TIMER ms: 54324.6780000000
opcodes per sec: 35895075.9318913966

points: 958

So my Gemini PDA is faster than my Raspberry Pi 3B!